Mr Clean

I don't know whether I should admit this here or not but when I take photographs ( I Love that expression 'take' as in stealing an image.hmmm!) I like to sing.. it makes me happy.. And Images in the frame often remind me of certain songs.. some of them buried deep in my past.. This image for some reason (Red Tie = Blue Suit!!) reminded me of this excellent lyric..

"...Getting pissed at the annual office do -
Smart blue suit and you went to Cambridge too -
You miss page 3, but the Times is right for you -
And mum and dad are very proud of you ..." Paul Weller

This picture also reminds me to never, ever, ever again in my entire life have a job where wearing a tie is expected.... No offence to anyone that does wear a tie to work.. each to their own.. I just find the ridiculous things stifling..

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