Robbie's Roots

By robertfelton

What! Not Another Bird Blip?

Another Bird Blip today I'm afraid as I didn't really have a chance to get to pastures new to find something different. All the usual suspects were present but as I've recently blipped Dunnocks and Sparrows I narrowed the choice down to either Collard Dove, Great Tit and Goldfinch. I've decided on the Goldfinch because I managed to blip it on the Suet Ball feeder, the only reason it was on there was because of the pressure of numbers around the feeders (they don't indulge in suet). I counted 25 birds on the ground and thistle feeder at one point and this Goldfinch was waiting to snatch a good position to feed. Sometimes at this time of the year Goldfinches do not always look their best but this was a rather pretty, well groomed bird.

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This Collared Dove was around most of the day.

A Great Tit not feeding (for once).

It's a bit of a late Blip and I've still got one or two jobs to do tonight so I'll try and catch up with my comments tomorrow.

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