Netters and co

By Netters


Not my best photo today but I like it for some reason, perhaps its to remind me that my child is rather lovely, this weekend has been hard work, Freya has screamed, ranted, raved so much! she has driven me mad. Went swimming yesterday, screamed when we left, screamed at the bus stop, wailed and moaned all the way home was unbearable all afternoon, Tantrum this morning, screams this afternoon and and out and out melt down at the dinner table, over a cup ! really. I never allow sports bottle type things at the table, ever, she knows this, has always known this, except today. the bouts of screaming have been punctuated with whinging . And that stick she has in her hand is about seven feet long, she dragged it along the river, over the bridge, over the common and all the way home, its now in the garden, It got on my nerves in the house.

I spoke to someone today regarding my PSE not being able to open the raw files of my new camera, it has been driving me mad , I was informed today I would need CS3 at least.I did not know this, I am a bit dim I think ! I didnt even think of it being an issue, you may roll your eyes now.

This put me in a very bad mood ! I hate not using RAW and now I will have to keep editing in camera becasue CS£ is huge amounts of money. BAH !!!! A bad day all round and not even a super duper photo, Rob will be very glad when I have gone to bed tonight I suspect.

And may I just point out Rob never wears horrid waterproof sports wear usually it was raining and its his emergency rain at work top. :D

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