Swimming Against The Tide

By ViolaMaths

Church Organ

Mum woke me early this morning since she, Dad and stepmum were off to a party. She'd made a cake for the occasion and I found myself, first thing on a Sunday morning, escorting this cake to her car, using an umbrella to keep the rain off!

At 7.30 I departed and went to fill the car with petrol before driving to my friend's (see yesterday's blip) house for breakfast. He cooked a fry up - eggs, bacon, sausage etc and we caught up on news for a while before it was time to head off for Church!

I had decided that since I abandoned Church several years ago I would NOT go, but would pop over to Asda instead in search of a cheap DVD player since the one in our bedroom is making very peculiar noises. However, my friend told me I could sit in the organ loft behind the curtain and it would be really nice if I played my viola in the hymns and communion music so I relented!

It was actually rather nice, and I enjoyed playing! I made sure I wasn't too well behaved by tweeting during the service (when not playing). I also took this photo of the organ - and was amused to note the music for Boellmann's Suite Gothique was on the stand - that was the music I had when coming into Church to get married!

After the service I went through to the coffee lounge to meet up with a few old friends from Church days, and had about three mouthfuls of the worst coffee I'd EVER tasted (goodness KNOWS what they did to it). My friend then took me out for lunch, and we fixed up that I'd go and stay with him for a few days at his house in Wales, taking my viola so we could play loads of music!

The journey home was SUPREMELY wet! I was tired so stopped at Tibshelf services for a strong coffee (one of the BEST sorts of coffee - from my beloved Costa (latte with an extra shot of espresso)). Traffic was slow and the spray was terrible, and I wrote a pome about it! However, I arrived home into the Wonderspouse's arms and a fivefold furry greeting! Dexter has even moved into a cat bed my Mum gave me, which used to belong to the cat I grew up with as a child!

So, I have been away on my own for a weekend. I have played a concert, and I have coped without panic attacks or breakdowns. I suspect I'll be very tired tomorrow, but it really feels like progress!

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