This day

By snapper


Elmer Fudd spent his life fighting rabbits and I am begining to sympathise with him! This pair who live here courtesey of my good nature have dug up almost all of what I used to call a front garden. At the moment they are both busy diggin a huge cavernous crater undet one of their many little shelters. Its big enough for both of them and the two guinea pigs to dissapear into for about 15 mins. In fact they are now digging out rubble or infill that was left there when this house built almost 40 years ago and if they go much further they will be at the bottom of the road! Well Ive got news for this pair! soon they will be moving to their winter quarters on the veranda and Im going to cover it with AStroturf!!!! heee heee hee lets see them dig that!

Have a good blip week all

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