Stuffed animals.

Today my daughter and I are leaving abroad for one week for holiday!
This will be so nice and I've been looking forward to this a lot! This will be the first time my daughter and I are going alone on holiday abroad.

I've been in this country for many years ago and I remember that some women with their children were sitting on the sidewalk and begging for money.
Thats why I bought several stuffed animals on a flea market to distribute to some children and I intend to buy some fruit instead of giving them money.
I don't know if this works, but I got this idea for several months ago and I feel I want to do this.

I take a laptop with me to stay in touch with my husband, who will take care of our cat, to stay in touch with my parents, who live in Holland, and to stay in touch with my brother
and with my other brother and his wife!

I'll let you know if the children like the stuffed animals.

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