
By craftynini

'Proud As Punch'

A very active sunday here in the Peter household. This morning after jumping up and down on the bed, the kids were sent packing to watch TV 'downstairs for five minutes' while hubbie and I got up!

Then went for my first run in a very, very long time. In the peeing rain! No hip pain though, just sore legs and a throbbing head.

Picked up the car, got petrol and the Sunday papers and back home for some
home-made pancakes and maple syrup (made by Pip)... yum yum.

No getting ready to tackle the toilet and kids bedroom. At least I don't have to do any washing - the machine doesn't arrive until Tuesday!

Techi Stuff - Took step ladder out of the playhouse, placed plastic bag on the step ladder, got eldest child (still in dressing gown) to put on her fathers shoes and hold umberella over camera - now placed on bag on step ladder. pressed timer, ran to end of drive, asked duaghter is she could see me in the frame, got into position, waited for timer to fo off!

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