I feel infinite.

By racheelz

It's Like Forgetting the Words...

...to your favorite song
You can't believe it, you were always singing along
It was so easy and the words so sweet
You can't remember, you try to feel the beat

The song is by Regina Spektor. It's beautiful. She's beautiful. The song has a lot of meaning to me. It's scary how much words can impact. They're just letters strung together--but they can hurt more than anything else.

I didn't to much today, and I liked it. I needed a day of rest after this long week at school. Went out and had a lovely dinner with my parents and then my friend came over after. We watched Catch Me if You Can..a great movie!

I realized I needed a blip for today so I decided to copy my previous one of a movie night. Except this time I'm wearing my fuzzy slippers because it's getting cold.

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