
By rainie

The Cats Whiskers.....

Well, its been a mighty fine day, busy but good.

The first good thing was as I lay in bed as the sun came up I watched a little sparrow build a nest in the blossom tree I blipped yesterday....amazing!!
The second good thing was scambled eggs delivered to me for breakfast.
And the third good thing was when I got a txt from dups to say the terriers had returned from their excursion.

Other than that, its been a busy day, just finished mowing the lawns & cutting the edges, plus some gardening as well.

We are away on Thursday to Townsville so this is the last day at home to do the chores. Work for three day only....can't wait.

This is Fergus, three legged Fergus, cat with attitude! As I was doing the blipping thing he plonked himself on the keyboard, I slid him off onto the table where he sunbathed for sometime - I took various picies but not overly good, so choose this one of his whiskers, head, ear & paw.

See ya

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