Carol: Rosie & Mr. Fun

By Carol

Love in the Sky

Just a few moments ago Mr. Fun came upstairs to ask if I was going to blip the "heart cloud" that could be seen from the front yard; actually it could be seen from right here at my laptop in this upstairs office.

I was already busy selecting from today's photos for my evening blip when he asked me. He didn't really ask. It was more of a rhetorical question. I was busy looking at the computer screen and missing the show outside my window. So down the stairs and out the front door we went. He clicked the camera a couple times and I clicked it a couple times.

So tonight "our" blip is really done by both of us. If he had not rattled my cage, I would have missed the love happening right outside my window.

Mr. Fun thought this front view complemented yesterday's "Back Yard Love." Do two blips make a mini-series? I don't know, but I do know that we are surrounded in love.

Good night from the front yard.
Rosie & Mr. Fun, aka Carol

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