
My late hubby and I bought one, exactly the same colour, when we were still young and beautiful and free!! Then, as newly weds, we bought a 'car', and ~chiaroscuro and her hubby, then still her boyfriend, bought it from us!!

Wonderful days, those late sixties!! Woohoo!! I really sometimes wish I could bring those years back, but I don't wish it for too long!! My life, as it is now, is beautiful in another way, I would not really change much if I had the choice, what's behind us, is where it belongs!!

This beauty belongs to a friend of our neighbour, he really did a great job of the pimping of his ride!! Luvvvv it!! ;-)

We are relaxing together today, no outings arranged, just a quiet and peaceful day, chatting away and catching our breath!

Lovies from all the Blippers in the house!! Enjoy the rest of your weekend!

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