All about Lallybroch

By Lallybroch

Finger Painting

Hubbie decided this evening he wanted to try to get Ethans foot and handprints on paper. My one criteria was - "don't get the paint all over his clothes". Hah! It got even worse after this photo was taken, with red paint added in the mix. And the foot and handprints didn't even work out!

Grandpa came back over today, having headed home yesterday, as he forgot to take his reading glasses with him. After he'd phoned this morning to say he would be over, I called back to say we could meet him in Glasgow as I fancied going to Kelvingrove. Unfortunately he didn't get the message though so he ended up driving through from Ayrshire and back again which was a long trip for him.

Happy Birthday to Granny today too! She's still off on her Baltic Cruise so I haven't been able to speak to her to wish her a happy birthday. However, I know she has internet access there and is keeping up to date with my blips, so hopefully she'll read this today!

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