Brave Wee Sudjer!

I nearly titled this one: New Boots and Panties!

We went up to the Farmer's Market today, and then....

M went clothes shopping!

After complaining for a while about lack of shoes and breeks and tops without writing on, she finally screwed her courage to the sticking point and did something about it ;)
The new boots were fairly easy, she only goes to one shop, and these were pretty much like last year's pair.
Then, off to get jeans...again same make and size as last year, so not too bad; no need to use the changing-rooms or anything.

We even looked at some tops, but by then, even with me holding her hand tightly and making suggestions, her head had started to spin round on her neck and her eyes had started to get a dangerous glint.

We left the field of battle, but M had overcome her boredom and distaste and had got some clothes! Maybe she'll have the strength to try it again for the rest of the stuff she needs next month...

I'm very proud of me darlin'

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