
By mandygf

... Christmas Countdown... 12 weeks...

... I know, I know... I must be off my head.... was counting the weeks yesterday & saw it is only 12 weeks today till Christmas, is that scary or what...

Usually by now my Christmas shopping is almost done but this year I'm nowhere near done & the wee man is 2 on the 15 December so we have that & our 3rd Wedding anniversary on the 22nd December to slot in before Christmas... don't do things by halves in this household!

I should have had my overseas parcels sent this coming week but still need to get a couple of pressies for them too,.... this year has most definetly gone by far too quickly!

Spent the day half heartly tridy up & lazing about... just got no oomph for the housework today, but at least Stuart has taken the wee man out for an hour & I'm meant to be getting the house sorted but..... well guess what I thought I'd do first..... you got it... blip.... well I had to go up into the attic to store some stuff & thought it was the perfect opportunity to find something up there....

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