Give Me Caffeine....

By Caffeinated

Fountain and Castle.

Oh. My. Goodness.

Thank god my body doesn't work like everyone else's hormone wise. If I had to feel like this every month I'd go crazy and I've still got 10days of hormone pills to pop , stay away everybody!

I've had road rage, walking rage, trolley rage.
I've growled at people not walking in a straight line in the supermarket.
I've shouted at people driving too slow.
I've tutted at people who just stop in the middle of the pavement.
I've even swore at myself for making too many mistakes while typing this.
I've screamed at the washing machine for being too noisy. I can't stand it.
But I have learnt not to throw breakables, the cushions and pillows have been tossed instead.
Quite comical really, if it wasn't happening to me:)

Apart from that today was my hair cut for the wedding ....4 weeks today, eek. I've bought myself a pair of new shoes and got a few birthday presents in.

Now away to open the wine.

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