Sue Foll's picture of the day

By POD2008

Japanese style

I'm at Hyper Japan at the old Trueman Brewery in Brick Lane, mainly to photograph style. I love Lilith and Yuki's sense of colour and contrast (the script on the arm band refers to a school council I am told).

On the stage we are introduced to Misako Aoki, who is the 'Ambassador for Cuteness'. She has many fans, some who come on stage to join her, as well as others just there for the spectacle.

I interrupted Neon girls Laura and Rosie at the saki stand, whilst Helana and Jasmine were running the curry concession.

Tania Tanzil was one of the invited guests who I had to include in my selection.

Last but not least, a note about the most bizarre fashion item of the day. They are purses made to look like organs of the body. I came away with a shoulder bag in the shape of a brain!

I just love Japanese culture and the contrast between the precise and the visceral :-)

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