Louise - Changing Natures

By louisemac

After the rain...serendipity

...a day of downpours, and being subject to that classic of being completely drenched by a car whizzing past me through a huge puddle. Thing was, he'd change lane to do it - so it was deliberate... I got to my meeting drookit, but managed to wring myself out under the hand-dryers.

Then - stick with me - the really lovely PA who was taking me through to the meeting room, who was from Sweden, told me she loved the rain because it meant rainbows were coming. It made me smile so much, and forget about being soaked - who cares.

I was still smiling on the way back by train this evening, when I looked out of the window...and there it was...a rainbow. So, thank you Mia, for such serendipity. A spine-tingling end to the week :-)

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