
By Instography


It rained. I took my camera from its bag twice and this was one of them. The other was to look at this when I got back to my desk. The reasoning was simple - 7.34am to whenever - it was lashing and, fuck it, this camera and its gubbins cost too much to be taking photos of anything in the rain. Work. 12.30ish to 1.30ish. Go and walk about in the threat and some real drizzle. Go to Waterstones and find nothing. Go to Princes Street Gardens and see a leaf on a bench that would, on a fine day, be occupied. Recognise the poignancy of the scene and decide to take a photo of the leaf and the water but only when some random people, probably tourists, happen by so that the poignancy of them not sitting on the bench is underlined for anyone who doesn't get it. Switch off camera and go back to work, thence to a "seminar" and then to the pub with workmates to drink beer. Get home and decide that the poignancy is not sufficiently poignant for anyone to get it so write it down, spell it out, for the avoidance of doubt, mainly because it's not actually all that poignant. It's a leaf on a wet bench but we need to pretend that it "says something", that it's poetic, more than it looks like, that we're "artists" walking in the footsteps of Cartier Bresson. (Who was a chancer).

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