Pip's thoughts

By willipmrpip

It's not her fault

This morning I went to the old walled city of Nicosia which is in the so-called occupied part of the island and there i saw this cat.

I have been to Cyprus a number of times and I have seen how uncaring people here are about animals in general but about stray animals in particular.

This cat is a street stray and I saw her and her kitten rush past people outside a cafe - they didn't loiter or search for a stroke or titbit. The people at cafe tables shooed them away or shouted at them.

In the gutter the cat found shade from the heat and lay down. Her pretty tabby kitten folllowed closel,y but lay beneath some boards.

She let me get close to take the picture but the kitten shied away. If you look slightly above the mothers left ear you can just see the kitten's paw and ear.

I know cats aren't everyones's favourite but they are dumb animals who don't ask to be in our world - that's just the way it is. They deserve better than the harshness and cruelty they get from us humans - its not their fault that they're here.

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