The EZ Life

By saltnsauce

To Grumps: Still raining...

Well still probably isn't fair, i don't think it's rained much since my last rain blip but if i'm honest i can't really remember. I'm still trying to work out how to make hoodies and scarves feminine.
I need to buy wellies. So i will do that now. Online. Good.
And a belt.
It is 10.30am and not only is it remarkable that i am awake, and have blipped, i have also sat through an hour of Scandinavian Literature, being taught about Hans Christian Andersen in Danish. I can't believe i have four 9am starts in a row in a week, this is number three. And yet still i am not used to them. Today i managed to clamp my ear in my straightners. It still hurts :/
Now i am going to (buy my wellies and then) Tidy the kitchen and wash the dishes, clean the bathroom (i just love cleaning rotas) and my bedroom (okay, so that's my own fault) and then go to the gym. Then i can pig out in front of the telly and watch Jane Austen for the rest of the day. Yeyeyeyeyeeeee :D
Eesh :(
To Adults: Will the chores ever end?

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