Reikes small life...

By Reike

Bye-bye, last leaves!

Everything prepares for winter:
-Trees loose their leaves
-Horse grows a goat beard and a donkeys attitude
-Chipmunks sleep more than they are busy distributing their food around my flat (oh, they think they are so good at hiding stuff!!! But no, my armpits are not exactly the grand hideout as they guess...)
-I am starting to gather some holiday pounds already to keep me warm :) Damn Lidl for selling all that nice christmas chocolate! Hmmmmmm.......

But today was a great day with sunshine, ideal for running and riding around in Carberry Estates with my horse-donkey-goat-hybrid. And to do more applications and interview practice. Don't know why my discussion about competency-based interviews on the phone yesterday ended up in that I couldn't decide if I would prefer a green or blue pet dragon?

so the winter comes
where we belong
I feel the cold
within my heart
I see the night
deep in your eyes
the winter comes at last

here the winter comes

so the winter comes
where we grow strong
I hear your words
melt like snow (on my skin)
I taste your kiss
it tastes like snow
the winter comes to last

my tongue is frozen to the ground
I cry alone for times to come
it beats the daylight out of me
the winter comes to seize the day

here the winter comes


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