Clean Slate

By cleanslate

Paradise lost

How many of my blips have I started with the words, 'hectic day today..'? Too many I'm sure, but it's so appropriate!

Took No.1 to school this morning, then got the rush hour tram into the city for No.2 to have a settling in session at new nursery. This task is ultimately pointless, as No.2 is the most absurdly sociable child who is actually happier meeting strangers than seeing people he has known for while and of whom he has become bored. Nevertheless, in the spirit of not winding up the new people who will be bestowing care and cuddles upon the little mite, I complied. They want 5 settling sessions of increasing length, one every day this week. Is it bad that I have already fabricated a difficult boss at work, as a reason to miss tomorrow's session, because it's so wildly inconvenient??

Once he was done with the settling (around 11am) I had to take him to his old nursery where I could leave him for lunch and the rest of the day. They are annoyed that we're leaving, probably for financial reasons, although I'm convincing myself it's because he's such a cherub! So they tugged the heart strings, by commenting on how confusing it must be for him moving between 2 establishments. I just wish everyone would just let us get on with it...grrr...

Anyway, I was in work by 12 ish, where there was a fire alarm before I'd even got my coat off and a billion (or thereabout unread e-mails)

Good news(!) Lovely husband is back from the return road trip from Paris, so he fetched me from work :-) and we collected both children together, which was lovely.

Importantly, both boys asleep now, so I'm off to make some dinner and have a glass of wine :-)

Oh yes, and this was taken on the walk to work from nursery. It is behind the Paradise Factory night club we used to go to when we were at University. How times have changed!!!

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