Toots in Solitude

By Toots

...that's when I fell for

...the leader of the pack
If you were to go to this field where two dozen or so cattle lazily graze,
and if you would stand at the fence and gaze upon them,
and look as if you were very intrigued at their existence,
then you would witness that,
although a couple may venture to turn their tired eyes in your direction whilst the others doze on some wistful grass-filled dreams,
this one here photographed will raise itself to it's feet and saunter over.
...He is the 'Leader of the Pack',
each time, it is always him that leads and the others shift themselves slowly to follow. I fell in love with him (safely across a fence you understand) because he made me smile so much
and he so reminded me of "Darling".
"Darling" was Dans teddy bear. It was made in 1972 by Christina at Garvald Training Centre, as it was called then. Darling was so loved that he became almost threadbare (yes Dan did make a few puns about this) and so together Dan and I decided we must make him a new 'skin' but Dan was adamant that we wouldn't lose Darlings face.
One day I will photograph Darling, he sits in my cars front passenger seat.

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