secret garden

By freespiral

The wild blue yonder

Terrible morning of rain and greyness - suddenly lifting at around 2pm to a lovely mellow afternoon. I saw this view on my way home and like all the different blues - a very tranquil and calming sight after the hurly burly of the infants and indoor playtime. A terrifying combination!

Great work being done in the garden by the (damp) wwoofers - lots of spring bulbs planted, wood chopped and chimneys cleaned.

During the Autumn our local cinema has an arthouse night every Tuesday. We go and take what's coming - usually the films are hugely enjoyable and are things we may not normally know about. Tonight's however sounds a bit grim - it's called Lebanon and apparently the whole film takes place within a tank, from the point of view of young Israeli soldiers - 'emotionally harrowing' advises the review. We have opted to go and see 'Eat, Love, Pray' instead - probably a bit girly but I'll get to have a Ben and Jerry's ice cream!

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