Nandi Anne's Photography

By nandianne

Tiger Paw

I am still crating her and keeping her cone on when I'm not able to watch her. However she has started to venture out. She loved laying on the carpet in the sun today. She even snuck out for some fresh air on the balcony. The bugger is that when it is time to go back in the crate because momma is tired or needs to do something else... she has gone to ducking under the bed. :( We are both excited for the day when she is fully recovered from her surgery and allowed to roam the house freely again.

She has a lack of enthusiasm for photography. Whenever I pull out my camera to snap her picture because she's looking cute I swear she gets a look on her face like, "You've got to be kidding me. Get that out of my face." Whereas when I pull out the camera with my other cat, he's like "Here, how's that? Did you get my good side?" ;-)

Location: Living Room
Time of Day: 5:33 pm

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