observe without comment

Unless she was filming one of the gravestones against the wall a short distance in front of her she might have been filming the people dressed as hairdressers standing next to the ice-cream wagon near the fountains in the gardens with their backs to the castle having their photograph taken for some sort of probable publicity-related purpose. It was all very exciting. They appeared to have a fake one of those things they put over the heads of old women to bake the pink onto their thinning hair-strands in old-fashioned haircutting-places, mounted on a stick and dangling over the head of a pretend customer sitting on a chair underneath the people pretending to be hairdressers. I thought the gardens were supposed to available to use to walk through without harassment, interruption or having to listen to anyone shouting for any reason from now until winter festive period but it might take another week or so.

After a few days of wondering where they had gone my mudguards turned up today, possibly after having spent a few days with a neighbour seeing as we had not been informed that the neighbour had them (whereas the neighbour was probably thinking we didn't want them or were out) despite requesting that the parcel be stuck in the brown bin if no-one was in to receive them seeing as that's what the postpeople seem to like to do round here, though without checking that it's OK to do so first. Somewhat inevitably they didn't fit; despite the cleverness of the fitting method there's just too little clearance underneath my rear brake for anything to fit underneath, my seat stays are a little too steep for the bits which are supposed to rest on them to rest on them as tightly as they should and the front bit just seems way too fragile and wibbly to be trusted to not suddenly catch on the tyre and bring it to a sudden halt. It'll be a couple of days before I get a window to drag the inconveniently-sized box back to the post office to return them so shall have to just make sure that the rear of my rucksack has a layer of carrier bag inside it to prevent anything within being adversely affected by stray flicked-up road-water.

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