Looks Good To Me

By Pilipo

The Spruce Goose

We were going to walk to the bakery for breakfast this morning, but it was raining, so we stayed in and had granola. The rain didn't affect us otherwise, since we'd planned to go to the Evergreen Aviation & Space Museum in the afternoon, and spend the evening with friends in nearby Newberg.

I was very impressed by the aircraft collection and the museum facility, though my primary reason for going there was to see the legendary Spruce Goose designed by Howard Hughes.

We were lucky enough to get there at the beginning of a guided tour of some of the fighter aircraft. Our guide was very knowledgeable and managed to make his commentary interesting enough for C, who is generally not very excited about airplanes.

We had a very enjoyable visit with our friends afterwards. After a dinner of barbequed smoked pork ribs with good wine and conversation, we finished the evening with some singing around the piano (Welsh hymns again).

The trip back was a little harrowing. I was glad we had Sylvia to help us negotiate the labyrinthine network of freeways and bridges through Portland.

The biplane in front on the Spruce Goose is a Sopwith Camel, the WWI fighter flown by ace pilot Snoopy of the Peanuts comic strip fame.

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