RSD Photo's SoCal Life

By rsdphotography

Washington Visit - Day 3

Today was an awesome photography day! We visited Mono Lake, CA and what is described as one of the best preserved ghost towns in California, Bodie. Many days it is hard to find a suitable photo for this journal, but not today. Today, there were too many good photos from which to chose. There were so many that I liked, that I had to have my wife's help in choosing. After much discussion, this was the decision because as she said, "you can feel the dust in this shot". This is a day when I needed more than one photo.

Bodie is an incredible photographic subject. There were amazing shots everywhere I turned, the only issue was all the other people who had made the 12 mile drive off HWY 395 to visit this National Historic Site. Through careful framing and artful use of foreground objects I was able to get many photos I will be looking to enlarge.

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