As seen by me...

By GrantR

Classic Princes Street Gardens - MkII

I never worry about doing the same shot twice, you can always improve it right? Done this yesterday but came home with a batch of shite really. Overexposed on the clouds, questionable composition etc, so the only thing I got out of it was one HDR I wasn't that happy with.

Knowing I could do it better, I went back later in the day today, brilliant pure blue sky and the sun at a nice 90 degrees to the shot so the polariser worked well too. Very happy with this as it's only the CPL and 0.6ND I used and NO HDR! It's my aim to go back over all the classic Edinburgh shots and redo them all without HDR, just for my own personal satisfaction.

Princes Street Gardens with literally dripping with photographers today, any from here?

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