
By Poppy

Up on the cliff top

Woke up to a really beautiful morning - flat calm and much milder than of late. Ollie and I headed for our favourite cliff top walk and he had a good run round while I kept a look out for whales and dolphins. Not a one! Still, we both got lots of good exercise and met up with friends and their dogs, including a visiting Tibetan terrier. She was a lovely little thing, like a wind up toy! She ran round and round Ollie, yapping, not sure what to make of him, while he stood there looking slightly perplexed and a bit unsure!

Mid morning I headed off to help serve up 40+ Big Breakfasts at the village hall. They are held once a month or so to raise much needed funds. For £5.50 you get:-
Choice of fruit juice
Bacon, egg, sausage, baked beans, black pudding, tomato and mushrooms
Brown/white toast with butter and marmalade
Tea or Coffee

How many calories can you fit into a breakfast?!

Came home and set to in the garden. Picked the last of the tomatoes from the greenhouse and put the remains of the grow bag onto the compost heap, then lifted the onions and hung them in the greenhouse to dry. I pulled up the last of the sweet peas too - sad that they are over, it is lovely to have a few to bring into the house. Harvested a few more runner beans - I keep thinking they are done and then find a few more, lurking among the stalks.

The poor man has spent his day off playing with his welder and angle grinder doing a bit more work on the boat trailer. Hoping to be able to bring her back here before we head south. . . . . More of that anon!

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