Russell Chopping

By RussellChopping

Our Church.

Today was a special day for us all, we officially welcomed little baby Jacob.

I think we had nearly 60 people with us today, so no pressure... Anyway took a bunch of shots for our new website which is when it struck me. About 5 years ago a couple of people got together in someones front room and felt a push to start a church. With their dedication, hardwork and willingness to follow their christ calling and stand up and say; "There is another way to live this life" we now have an exciting, creative, vibrant and loving church family and at the heart of it, this man Jesus.

Church isn't the building, its the people, and here they are (well some of them). Each and everyone of them has an amazing story to tell a story about how their lives were turned around, about how they've each found something so special, its impossible to put into words.

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