Seeing as I am

By seeingasiam

Texture and Toadstools

I love autumn...though I'd love it more if it wasn't quite so cold at the moment.

We went for a walk this morning to a local country park. It wasn't a great day for photography..all overcast and drizzly but I took my G9 anyway as I'm an optimist. I'm not however quite as optimistic as the extended family we saw setting up for a birthday picnic complete with little DIY marquees decorated with balloons. They were assembling it all as we set off. 90 minutes later we returned and they were stoically enjoying their celebrations. The children were piled into the marquees, wrapped in scarves and hats and the adults chatted under umbrellas drinking coffee from thermos flasks and looking perished and terribly British about it all. Periodically a sharpish gust of wind would threaten to carry away one of the marquees and the men would rush to fasten it down again...classic. I'd love to have blipped it but I didn't want them to think I was poking fun at them.

Anyway my own optimism was rewarded when Bob spotted these little toadstools growing prettily out of a fallen log against a background of moss. It will just about stand being viewed large but don't look too closely as it was hand-held at slow shutter speed and high ISO so isn't the best quality shot but today it's all I've got :-) So just pretend I added the grain and handshake for an arty Blair Witchcraft Project feel and everything will be fine.

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