
By Instography

Hey fatty!

Are you taking photos of me?

Aye, she's in belligerent mood. Wilful, argumentative, defiant, greetin' faced, cheeky. And yet persistently cute. It's a phase. We'll break her spirit.

Anyway, here we are at Bannockburn. One of those places that makes you glad you're a member of the National Trust for Scotland because otherwise the thought of having paid (I shudder to think what) to visit their pish visitor centre and then walk around their big empty field would be somewhat annoying. If this is the site of Scotland's greatest whatever, the memorials a bit of a disgrace. Still, we can nip up to his Lordship's estate (we live within spitting distance of the Earl of Bruce's estate, don't you know) and nick his conkers tomorrow.

Late post. Had pals round for a big curry and beers etc. Grand night.

You might want to go large to see the face on it.

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