Fear & Loathing

By McDawg

coke in blue.......

ok so this is not the image that i had intended today. thought i had that in the bag before lunchtime but as many of you know, the picture we think we shall use often gets dropped for something else. (maybe the other one would have been better.) well i'm going with this. it's actually 3 classic coke bottles that i'd kept in the freezer with the plan of shooting them under my infamous blue light. i hoped to catch that smokey effect as they start to defrost in the warmth. well i did but wasn't to pleased about it. so i tweaked it and ended up with what i thought was something quite pop-arty kind of thing......whatever

today is a good day for today the scratch coat went up on the extension. this is a very good thing as it means we are that bit closer to having it finished and i can then decorate. nothing to fancy of course...we're moving. somewhere

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