secret garden

By freespiral


just back-blipped for yesterday which was a day of big camera trauma!! I took a few pix of the squash harvest before realizing that my camera was not behaving - on further investigation I discovered that there was no menu, no zoom, no focus, in fact it just seized up. I then borrowed the very expensive camera belong to Himself - turned it on, took one photo, turned it off but the lens didn't retract and an alarming message appeared telling me to re-start the camera! Panic!! I showed it to Himself who was less than impressed for his camera had now also totally seized up!! Ever felt jinxed - technology and me do not mix, something to do with too much electricity! Anyway, his camera is under guarantee so is being returned and he generously (eventually!!) conceded that it probably wasn't my fault!
Then the internet went down so I couldn't even upload my not very exciting squash blip.

Things did improve later when we had a Greek dinner party. The food was delicious - everyone bringing something - we had spanokopitta (spinach pie), tzatzkiki, hummus, courgette fritters, a big salad and Weibke had made a historic tiramisu - not Greek but nearly!! We also managed to find a Greek music programme on the internet (which kindly came back on just in time). The evening finished with a long and very hilarious game of pictionary.

Today the weather has been gorgeous - we had a walk in the morning - and I have borrowed yet another camera - this one extremely technical but not used much as it has a little mark on the lens. The sea was like silk and the colours astonishing. This is our mountain, small by some standards I know but I'm impressed with it. It's called Rosskerrig (wooded rock) and today it was looking magnificent.

We have just been kayaking - perfect weather for this, calm and tranquil, and the water was so clear. We saw a seal, a jellyfish, a very large starfish and one human! A much less stressful day than yesterday!

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