Remember remember

The fifth of November
The gunpowder, treason and plot
I know of no reason
Why he gunpowder treason
Should ever be forgot

I had wanted to go out and try some fireworks shots tonight but I couldn't find my camera remote and I figured loads of people would have similar ideas. Instead I just took the camera over to see th ebonfire in the park across from our house. Maddy was desperate to see it and, as it happened, we arrived at the perfect time. It was just as the Police and Fire Brigade got there to assess the safety. In the foreground you can see a fireman inspecting it.

Fortunately it was decded that it was safe and there were enough responsible adults about so they headed off and left everyone to it. There was no Guy on top of the fire though which was a bit dissapointing. I might have to watch V for Vendetta now to make up for that.

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