My Year in Pictures

By jenny

Overcoming my biggest fear

Yep - cows.

Have never ever had a problem with them - loads of walking all through my childhood, uni years, my 20's and early 30's with lots of encounters but 8 years ago I got chased by them.

We were in a field with Lester with some angsty cows - so James said "you go that way and I'll go this way with Lester - it'll be him they'll be interested in - you'll be fine".

Famous last words.

The whole herd chased me - I launched myself over a barbed wire fence - landed flat on my back - completely winded myself - then had to cope with the cows leering at me over the fence and James completely and utterly p***ing himself laughing as I'm weakly and feebly shouting "come and help me".

Never been the same since.

Will avoid doing certain walks as "there might be cows" and if I see a cow pat i literally break out in a cold sweat.

So I faced the fear today.

Driving home I saw them in a field just down the road from home, so stopped and got the camera out.

And soon enough they came for a closer look - see how close here!

And okay there was a gate between me and them but I did actually realise that they were more nervous of me than I was of them.

It's a start.

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