Sleepy Cherryblossom

By CherryBee

Cromarty Firth to the West.

My folks got back from Portugal yesterday and because they were flying back into Edinburgh and driving up north from there, I took the opportunity to come too and get a free ride :)

After reading Increase's comment yesterday though I know realise that it's 'Door's Open' weekend in Ed and I'm missing out on all the free stuff. Bugger!

I've been busy over the past couple of days beavering away with my eBay listings and setting up a shop for my jewellery - which you can find if you click here :O) - so fingers firmly crossed that it's worth while.

I'm going to get some flyers printed up (once I've worked out how on earth to do that! ebay do them but they look rubbish so I'll have to find out how do make some of my own.....somehow....I'm really not very computer literate) to post about the place and hopefully it takes off.

It's all very exciting and I do love a project!
But I need it to actually make some money if I'm to keep doing it, otherwise it's going to turn out to be a rather expensive hobby!

P.S. If you like plastic fantastic kitschy crap (damn, should have called the shop that!) or know someone who does please come and see. some stuff! lol If you want, I mean, I'm not forcing anyone, its just a thought...

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