Pieces of a Jigsaw Puzzle

By szahra

Friends Forever

Today we had my mother's friends over for tea. They have been friends since grade 7 which makes their friendship approximately 38 years old. They were in school together, then all of them went to college together, attended each other's weddings and celebrated the birth of kids and now they are all celebrating the weddings of their kids.

Their friendship is exemplary. The photograph is not good quality but it was a good opportunity to capture them together. They have more people in their friend group but these five are the ones who are close to each other and meet frequently as they are all living in Lahore.

Thanks to all for reading My Moments # 2. I know it is very hard to read a lengthy writeup and I am grateful to those who took out time and gave me support to go on ... Stay tuned to My Moments # 3 ...

P.S. My camera battery died and I had to take this photo from my father's semi-professional LUMIX.

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