
By AnnelieHberg

Sleeping angel.

First of all, thank you everyone for making my journey as a photographer worth walking. The support and words from you all mean the world to me. I feel I dont have time to look around but we all know how it is. Work, life, no time, tired...

You are now asleep little angel of mine. You are going thru a phase in your life that isnt easy for you. So many thoughts deep inside. Tonight you fell asleep in our bed, the safest place you know, as you so sweet said. I can hear you breath behind me and I am trying to fill you with hope and happiness as i sit here. I told you tonight, things will be alright, it will be ok. I took my hand to your chest and swept away the hearthache you suffering from. Trust me angel boy, daddy and I will work it out for you. I told you tonight while your eyes started to get sleepy, that it is our work as your parents, your guardians, to fight for you. Now it is your job little one, to trust us.

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