
By Nenz

Catching Up

Almost a week without a Blip and it is funny to notice the urge within to catch up. My work hours have changed and I am having a hard time fitting in the photo taking. Anyway;

Walking back to work at the end of the day to attend a meeting; I noticed the sunlight on the power lines. Man, those power lines have a story to tell! The birds that sit on it (and do who knows what on them), the wind they have to endure, the times they are WITHOUT power........

I had a hard time choosing from the whole of 3 photos I took , as I obviously thought I have lots to say : )
When uploading them on the laptop, this one stood out! My first thought was the dividers in the pool and the cloud actually reminds me of a swimmer!!! Clouds; I could possibly write a book on the things I see in clouds, but that might have to wait as a project for my retirement.

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