
Blip in the bag by 7.30 am.


Another busy one. My to do list got a couple of things shorter with only one new thing added so that's heading in the right direction. I'm trying to tick things off one by one. Baby steps rather than big ones.

I'm fed up of complaining about how busy I am. It's just better to get on with it and stop the moaning!

The blossom in my garden looks wonderful. Even more so when I know that they will turn into plums at some point.

Two more days and then it's the weekend and then it's the school holidays. I'm looking forward to having more time to do the things I need to do. I'm hoping to be super productive, at least during the first few days. Then I'll be able to tick lots of things off my list.

I'd like to teach Cousteau to bark (and to stop barking) on command during the break. No idea how one does that but I'm hoping it might help me to manage to the awful noise he makes when he gets excited or grumpy!

Off to do some more things ...


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