Smoke on the water
Another in the series of estuary blips, this one as so many others from Arnside pier. It was taken in the early evening with a thin but continuous cloud cover, the light milky with subdued colours. There was no wind to ruffle the water, so there were great cloud reflections.
Time was short for blip opportunities today. This morning the cloud was thick and the light poor. I travelled to Barrow at lunch-time for the first of a series of photographic workshops with Rebecca Lupton. I have already learned more from the first session than hours of head scratching over the D90 manual, but it was confirmation if I needed it of how much I have to learn. The first session was mainly theory with a bit of practice on shooting mundane pics of mugs, glasses and pictures on the walls. Nothing there worth sharing. But I'm hopeful that the next session will be more fruitful as we go out and about in Barrow.
The point of doing these workshops is that it is a great opportunity to learn new techniques from a professional, but more than that to challenge me out of my comfort zone of pretty landscapes and natural history photos. We'll see how it goes.
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