Dodge'y Blips

By RachelD

The Man in the Moon

The man in the moon,
Looked out of the moon,
Looked out of the moon and said:

It's time for all children on the Earth,
To think about getting to bed

I've been playing with the manual settings, how very scary! i've had a few pictures of the moon come out quite well over the last 2 weeks. And today i thought i'd share. It all coincides with my dd1 doing a project on space for school too, She has to make a scrap book of pictures about space, So shes going to include a few pictures of night sky with stars and some of the moon pictures i've taken.

Today has been quite nice, Wondered around town this morning, spent the afternoon playing with libbie, The others came home from school and we spent homework time writing 10 facts about simon cowell of all people! (dd3 had to choose someone who was famous, im sure he'll love the fact its part of her history homework ;) )

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