Real inside Bergum

Again during luchtime we went to the central control room (in dutch: "Stoomwacht") of Bergum power station.
How strange it sounds: I have never been there before...
The desk is still mostly as at was after the conversion to a so-called "combi-unit" in 1988; still operated by pushbuttons.
There are grey and green buttons on the desk;
The green buttons can only be actively operated when a so-called "release" button at the same time is pushed too to avoid mistakes.
Those release buttons are situated at the lower side of the desk at strategic places.

Our unit Eems 20 had a desk from the same manufacturer Siemens before it was completely screen and mouse operated, so I recognized several familiar things...

It takes about one year to understand the basics ot such a plant, these types of desks can only be operated by engineers with plenty experience.. It took me also more then a year to find my way at the desk of EC 20

This is a really clean plant, with some strange things...
Like this one: to mark the position of a steampipe..
Attached to a chain that is attached to the pipe

Here in LARGE...

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