
Looking at the weather last night, and the fresh snow, I figured today was going to be the ski day of the week.

So on waking up, and confirming it looked mostly OK, I decided it was time for a mental health morning. I figured I have earned it!

Lovely drive out to the hills (1hr 10 from my garage) and arrived to windier than expected conditions. Not to worry, into the café, and a coffee with my friend who runs the ski area (Porters).

Soon after 10 I decided to brave the wind, and surprisingly the snow was fantastic. Not much of the area open, but what was open was fabulous, lovely windblown powder. I skied until 11.30, last run. Found another pocket. Ok, one more run. Finally left at 12, got back to the office at 1.15 (5 mins slower, I had to change out of my ski gear). And then an afternoon at work.

Brilliant, why on earth didn't I do that more this winter?

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