jeni and the beans

By themessymama


Around about this time last year, Ben did some handprints onto a paper plate at nursery. They were the first successful handprints he'd done, I was so happy when I was presented with them! I couldn't believe he'd been painting, let alone had acquiesced to having his hands covered in paint.

We've since enjoyed a beautifully happy relationship with paint. We've not done any at home for quite some time, I keep saying we will, but the table keeps getting buried under junk and it takes quite a bit of effort to find a big enough patch of table to paint on, plus you also have to take into account the space required as a splash zone for errant paint splats and crazed waving (and occasional throwing or dropping) of brushes.

Today I sent Ben and his daddy into nursery with the request that Ben do some more handprints for me - and he has done, with great aplomb, and has included such fabulous additions as glitter and other random sparkly bits! I was amazed! The girls said he loved making it :)

We will have to do some more painting soon. The painting in the background is from April, I can't believe it was such a long time ago that we did that painting. I think that's how long it's been since we've done any real painting. Must rectify that.

I like the sound of their mornings actually. They have half-hour activities that are roughly planned, so there is indoor playing, messy time, snacks, garden, lunch... it's all broken down so they have an idea what to do next. I do like that idea. I might try it. I doubt if I'll ever stick to any kind of routine as such, but to have a list of things to do up my sleeve ready for the next bit of boredom - and as an added bonus it will keep me off the computer. And therefore keep Ben away from cbeebies!

I went to work this morning. Got all the wages sorted out, fixed some bugs, talked about design work that I can do at home, and then talked about Ben and my home/work life. I feel like I live opposite to most people. Usually you go to work during the week, and at the weekends you get to do other stuff, spend time with family and friends, relax. But me, I get to spend 28 out of 31 days of the month with Ben! The mornings I have "off" i.e. when Ben is in nursery, I have so much stuff to do that it's not really counted as "weekend". But the morning that I go into Steyning to do the wages, it's like a breath of fresh air. I use a totally different part of my brain. I have to think analytically. I have to answer impossible questions from my boss, how can we do this, that, how can we make this better, can you do it? (My latest challenge is to investigate databases. I have never been able to get the hang of databases properly. It is actually a challenge I am relishing - even if I'm up against it in terms of time, as usual, I have until mid-December to come up with a usable database.... Nothing like a deadline and a bit of pressure. Eeek!) I get to have sausage and onion on a cheesy roll for breakfast, with a cup of hot chocolate. Followed by cups of tea made by someone else. Who tells me off if I don't drink them! I get to have 3 hours uninterrupted (well, uninterrupted by a small boy) work at a computer. I love it. And because I only do it once a month, it's something I really look forward to and enjoy. And I'm bloody good at it too.

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