Photos from a random mind

By katkatkat

Brrrr... it's getting cold in here.

Well, winter is officially on it's way. The heating has started kicking in on cold nights. As we live in an old tenemant block with high ceilings and no insulation we tend to not bother trying to heat the flat too warm as it all just goes straight up and out the roof if we do. Thankfully though, The Boy and I both have nice warm snuggley jumpers to keep us warm on cold winter nights. Before setting this photo up, the temperature read 17'C but moving and handling the monitor raised the temperature.

We had hoped to get the loft insulated but there may be problems with that. You're always told not to insulate only part of your loft, whilst we'd be insulating the whole of our section of loft, it's a joint loft and the neighbours half wouldn't be insulated. Warm air goes up from thier flat and would condense on our cold roof section. I guess we ought to get the curtain rail up so we can hang heavy curtains to at least minimise the heat loss through the windows.

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