
Found this osteospermum looking bright and cheery in the back garden this morning. Amazingly it had not been battered by the gales last night, the first we have had for a time in a long while.

Good job I blipped it when I did as by the time Ollie and I had played with the frisbee for a while it was considerably more battered. I am useless at aiming the thing and he has no respect for borders. Still, he's a very good retriever for a bearded collie!

The blip gods have been good to me today. On the way round to the compost heap I saw a double rainbow then I made soup and the colours of the veg were pretty good too, so it's been a bit of a dilemma which to post. This one a day business is a bit of a scunner!

Thanks for everyone's good wishes yesterday, I am feeling a lot chirpier today. Only hope I haven't smit Northern with my lurgie.

btw I heard yesterday that I had passed the exam I went down to Edinburgh to take in September! Sadly it doesn't mean a pay rise, but at least I can stop worrying about it!

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