
By belovedkim

London Underground

Coming from a third world country, our means of transportation is called a JEEPNEY. Which has it's ups and downs..

They were originally made from US military jeeps left over from World War II[2] and are known for their flamboyant decoration and crowded seating. They have become a symbol of our culture.

I have nothing against it...

but the way we drive and go about the city is something that bothers me..

For instance:

It stops in the MIDDLE of the road to get passengers...not minding if it's causing traffic...just as long as it gets people in.

It stands still for more than half an hour in front of a university waiting for students to fill up every corner with matching extension 'seat' made of wood ...

It becomes very claustrophobic during rainy seasons (with the plastic cover put down to prevent water from dripping on your shoulder)

You have to shout at the top of your lungs (sometimes) to tell the driver your getting off because of the SUPER loud music blaring from his speakers

the list could go on...

It's my wish... that someday.. we will have the same system as that of TFL (transport for london) it may not be perfect and it has it's minor delays and problems... but londoners should think twice before complaining.. you got one of the best transport systems I've had the chance to experience... :)

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